Znáte tyto výrazy z účetní a finanční angličtiny? Zkuste k sobě přiřadit termíny a jejich stručné definice. Správné řešení najdete na konci stránky.
- Accounting equation
- Bank statement
- Cash flow
- Deduction
- Entrepreneur
- Fixed assets
- Gross
- Inventory
- Ledger
- Manufacturer
- Notes payable
- Overdraft facility
- Petty cash
- Retailer
- Salary
- Takeover
- Useful life
- Wage(s)……………………………………………………………………………….
1 – a business that makes products
2 – the movement of money in and out of a company
3 – total before deductions (taxes etc.)
4 – a small amount of cash on hand
5 – a book of accounts
6 – Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
7 – estimated time over which an asset can be depreciated
8 – bonds (part of long-term liabilities)
9 – a person who starts a business
10 – a shopkeeper who sells to the final customer
11 – a company’s stock of products and raw material
12 – an amount subtracted from a total (applies to payroll or tax)
13 – a regular payment to an employee (paid monthly)
14 – a fixed amount of money paid for manual work
15 – a record of all the transactions in a bank account
16 – an company acquires another one
17 – buildings, land, machinery etc. used in productive activities
18 – an arrangement by which a bank customer can run up a debt
to an agreed limit
- Řešení:1M, 2C, 3G, 4P, 5L, 6A, 7U, 8N, 9E, 10R, 11I, 12D, 13S, 14W, 15B, 16T, 17F, 18O
Další užitečné informace…
… nejen od tohoto autora se můžete dozvědět ve vzdělávacích a rekvalifikačních kurzech:
- Angličtina pro účetní
- Anglicky za 1 měsíc
- Obchodní angličtina