Business English – On the phone (1)

Procvičte si užitečné fráze pro konverzaci po telefonu. Ke každému odstavci (1 – 10) vyberte jednu z následujících vět (a – k):

a) I’m calling about…

b) Could you hold on, please?

c) I´ll make sure he / she gets your message.

e) I’d like to speak to Lucy Short.

f) Nice talking to you.

g) Could you repeat it, please?

h) Jane Jones speaking. What can I do for you?

i) I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

j) Can I ask who’s calling?

k) Could you tell him / her I called?

1) Taking a call:

ABC Company. How can I help you?

Mary Long´s office, good morning.

2) Starting the conversation:

Hello, this is John Smith speaking.

Can I speak to Mary Long, please?

3) Giving more information:

The reason I´m calling is…

I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Smith.

4) Asking for a name / information:

Which company are you calling from?

Could you give me your name?

5) Asking the caller to wait:

Hold the line, please.

Just a moment, I’ll put you through.

6) Giving negative information:

I’m afraid the line is enagaged (busy). Could you call back later?

Ms Long is not available at the moment. She´s with a customer.

7) Telephone problems:

Could you speak up, please?

Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you say again, please?

8) Leaving a message:

Could I leave a message for him / her?

Could you ask him / her to call me back?

9) Taking a message:

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I take message?

10) Ending calls:

Thanks for calling (phoning).

Good to talk to you.

Řešení: 1 h, 2 e, 3 a, 4 j, 5 b, 6 i, 7 g, 8 k, 9 c, 10 f

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