Procvičte si slovní zásobu na téma: Family and relationships

Připravili jsme pro Vás anglický rodinný kvíz. Dokážete kvíz rozluštit? Pojďte si s námi procvičit angličtinu a doplnit slovní zásobu. Tentokrát na téma rodina.

1. Members of the family

Tři generace, sedm párů. Dokážete z daných informací odvodit, které dvojice k sobě patří?

Alan is Caroline´s nephew and Larry´s cousin.

Barbara is Larry´s mother and Maggie´s sister-in-law.

Caroline is Edward´s daughter and Maggie´s sister-in-law.

David is Gordon´s brother-in-law and Alan´s uncle.

Edward is Ingrid´s grandfather and Maggie´s father-in-law.

Fanny is Caroline´s mother and Alan´s grandmother.

Gordon is Helen´s son-in-law and Nigel´s brother-in-law.

Helen is Barbara´s mother-in-law and Larry´s grandmother.

Ingrid is Gordon´s niece and David´s daughter-in-law.

John is David´s father and Gordon´s father-in-law.

Karen is Gordon´s daughter-in-law and Maggie´s daughter-in-law.

Larry is John´s grandson and David´s son.

Maggie is Larry´s aunt and Fanny´s daughter-in-law.

Nigel is Ingrid´s father and Fanny´s son-in-law.

2. Different types of family

Doplňte do textu chybějící slovíčka: youngest / family / kids / eldest / mum / only

A nuclear family

We´re married with three _a_. Our _b_ son, Simon, has just started secondary school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our _c_ son, Luke, is only five.

A single-parent family

I´m a single _d_. I bring up my son, Josh, on my own. Josh is an _e_ child, but I think he´d like a brother or sister one day.

A couple with no children

We´ve only been married for a year. We´re not plannning to start a _f_ just yet.

3. Marianne´s life

Doplňte do textu chybějící slovesa.

Marianne _a_ (narodila se) in a hospital just five minutes from the house where her parents lived, and she _b_ (vyrůstala) in the same house. When she was sixteen, she _c_ (potkala, seznámila se s) Paul at a disco. He became her first real boyfriend and she _d_ (chodila, randila) with him for over three years, but unfortunately they_e_ (rozešli se). At university she _f_ (zamilovala se) with Alex and they _g_ (vzali se) after Marianne graduated. After a few years they decided to start a family. By coincindence, she _h_ (první dítě se jí narodilo) in the same hospital. Now, she _i_ (čeká) a second child.

Slovní zásoba:

family = rodina, parents = rodiče, mother = matka, mum = máma, father = otec, dad(dy) = táta, daughter = dcera, son = syn, sister = sestra, brother = bratr, baby = miminko, child = dítě, children / kids = děti, grandparents = prarodiče, grandfather = dědeček, grandmother = babička, granddaughter = vnučka, grandson = vnuk, grandchildren = vnoučata, aunt = teta, uncle = strýc, niece = sestřenice, nephew = synovec, cousin = sestřenice / bratranec, girlfriend = dívka, partnerka, boyfriend = přítel, partner, mother-in-law = tchyně, father-in-law = tchán, daughter-in-law = snacha, son-in-law = zeť, sister-in-law = švagrová, brother-in-law = švagr, in-laws = příbuzní ze strany partnera, married = ženatý / vdaná, divorced = rozvedený/á, single = svobodný/á, widowed = ovdovělý/á, single parent = rodič samoživitel, couple = pár, an only child = jedináček

Správné odpovědi:

1. Manželské páry jsou Ingrid a Larry, Edward a Fanny, Helen a John, Alan a Karen, Gordon a Maggie, David and Barbara, Caroline a Nigel.

2. a = kids, b = eldest, c = youngest, d = mum, e = only, f = family

3. a = was born, b = grew up, c = met, d = went out, e = split up / broke up, f = fell in love, g = got married, h = had her first baby, i = is expecting

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