Víte, jak se řekne anglicky „vrtěti ocasem„? Nebo „je jako slon v porcelánu„? Odpověď najdete v našem článku 🙂 Obsahuje 3 krátká cvičení z angličtiny na téma Animals a slovíčka pro doplnění slovní zásoby. Pojďte si s námi procvičit angličtinu 🙂
1. What animals do.
Spojte správně zvířata a činnosti pro ně typické.
(Například: spiders + make webs, catch flies)
- 1. dogs
- 2. cats
- 3. birds
- 4. bees
- 5. wolves
- 6. snakes
- a. build nests, lay eggs
- b, make honey, buzz, sting
- c. hunt in packs, howl at night
- d. hiss, slither along the ground
- e. meow, purr, scratch
- f. bark, wag their tails
2. Animals in idioms.
Doplňte do vět to správné zvíře.
- a. I´m very hungry. I could eat a _____.
- b. He´s so clumsy, like a _____ in a china shop.
- c. I felt very uncomfortable, like a _____ out of water.
- d. There is something wrong here. I can smell a _____.
- e. I´m very nervous. I have _____ in my stomach.
- f. She usually goes to bed very late. She´s a night _____.
3. Wild Animal Park
Přečtěte si informace o safari parku. Jsou věty pod textem pravdivé?
Welldean Wild Animal Park is open 7 days a week, every day of the year. Between April and September, we are open 10am until 6pm, and from October to March, we are open 10am to 4pm. Last admission will be one hour before closing time.
We have a wide range of wild animals for you to see, including monkeys, elephants, lions and a special kind of camel. All the animals live in the environment which is as similar to their natural habitats as possible. Our newest arrival is a brown bear. This animal comes from Asia where it lives in forests and eats mainly nuts, roots, grasses and insects.
The animals at Walldean wander freely around the park. Therefore, for your own safety, we ask you to stay in your car as you drive through the park, and to keep your windows closed at all times.
If you would like to support our work, you can join our Welldean Friends Club or adopt an animal. It costs £12.50 a year to join the club; adopting an animal costs between £10 and £200, depending on the animal.
We look forward to seeing you at Welldean Wild Animal Park and hope you will enjoy your visit.
- a. The park is open all year round. TRUE / FALSE
- b. The latest time to go in in February is 3.30pm. TRUE / FALSE
- c. At Welldean, you can see tigers and giraffes. TRUE / FALSE
- d. They have a new animal at the park, a bear from Asia. TRUE / FALSE
- e. They do not keep animals in cages and pavilions. TRUE / FALSE
- f. The cheapest animal adoption costs £12.50. TRUE / FALSE
Slovní zásoba:
animal = zvíře, živočich, pet = domácí mazlíček, dog = pes, cat = kočka, bird = pták, fish = ryba, wolf (wolves) = vlk, bear = medvěd, snake = had, spider = pavouk, bee = včela, fly (flies) = moucha, insect(s) = hmyz, elephant = slon, giraffe = žirafa, lion = lev, tiger = tygr, camel = velbloud, monkey = opice, whale = velryba, web = pavučina, catch = chytat, nest = hnízdo, lay eggs = snášet vejce, buzz = bzučet, sting = žihadlo, bodat žihadlem, hunt = lovit, pack = smečka, howl = výt, hiss = syčet, slither = plazit se, meow = mňoukat, purr = příst, scratch = škrábat, bark = štěkat, wag a tail = vrtět ocasem, wing = křídlo, beak = zobák, feathers = peří, horns = rohy, antlers = parohy, paw = packa, pracka, claw = dráp, pařát, hoof (hooves) = kopyto, shell = ulita, lastura, krunýř, trunk = chobot, fin = ploutev, wild = divoký, domestic = domácí, habitat = přirozené prostředí
Správné odpovědi:
- cvičení: 1 = f, 2 = e, 3 = a, 4 = b, 5 = c, 6 = d
- cvičení: a. horse, b. bull (v angličtině „jako býk v obchodě s porcelánem“), c. fish, d. rat, e. butterflies, f. owl
- cvičení: a. TRUE, b. FALSE (at 3pm), c. FALSE, d. TRUE, e. TRUE, f. FALSE (It costs £10)
Další užitečné informace…
… nejen od tohoto autora se můžete dozvědět ve vzdělávacích a rekvalifikačních kurzech:
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- Účetnictví, daně a účetní angličtina – rekvalifikační kurz
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