Idiomy jsou obrazné fráze, jejichž význam nemusí být zřejmý, i když známe význam slov, z nichž se skládají. Vyskytují se převážně v hovorovém jazyce a obvykle vznikají z přirovnání nebo vtipných obratů. Pro překladatele mohou někdy být tím pověstným oříškem. V idiomech se nejčastěji vyskytují zvířata, přírodní živly, potraviny a různé části lidského těla. Sestavili jsme pro vás kvíz s anglickými idiomy o lidském těle. Snad nad ním neohrnete nos.
1. What does it mean?
Spojte idiomy s jejich významem.
- 1) to play by the ear
- 2) to twist someone´s arm
- 3) to have a sweet tooth
- 4) to pull someone´s leg
- 5) to be head over heels for somebody
- 6) to turn a blind eye to something
- 7) to have a big mouth
- 8) to have a nose for something
- a) to fall (to be) madly in love
- b) to tease someone, to say something jokingly
- c) to ignore something
- d) to have ability to detect something
- e) to talk too much
- f) to convince somebody to do something
- g) to like cake, cookies and chocolate
- h) to improvise, to do something without a plan
2. Head to toe
Doplňte do vět slovíčka.
arm / back / ear / eye / chest / feet / fingers / hand / head / leg
- a) You always have your _____ in the clouds.
- b) We’re going away for the weekend. Can you keep an ____ on our house?
- c) I’ll keep my _____ to the ground and let you know what’s happening.
- d) These shoes cost me an _____ and a leg.
- e) My uncle is an old _____ at car repair. I’m sure he’ll fix it.
- f) Unfortunately, our cashier had sticky _____ and stole around 2000 dollars.
- g) His classmates make fun of him behind his _____.
- h) I need to talk to you about something. I want to get it off my _____.
- i) If you want to wish good luck to an actor, say: Break a _____!
- j) I was going to try out bungee jumping, but I got cold _____.
3. Matters of the heart
Všechny tyto idiomy jsou o srdci. Uhodnete jejich význam?
- a) My heart was in my mouth when I was waiting for the test results.
- b) We had to learn (know) the poem by heart.
- c) She wears her heart on her sleeve and often gets hurt.
- d) Let’s get to (at) the heart of the matter.
- e) I think you’re a wonderful person. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
- f) You can pour your heart to me.
- g) My heart missed (skipped) a beat when they called my name.
- h) He’s rather half-hearted about the new project.
Správné odpovědi:
1. What does it mean?
- 1h 2f 3g 4b 5a 6c 7e 8d
2. Head to toe
- a) head; You are day dreaming and lost in your thoughts.
- b) eye; Can you look after our house?
- c) ear; I will get more information.
- d) arm; These shoes were very expensive.
- e) hand; My uncle has a lot of experience in repairing cars.
- f) fingers; Our cashier was a thief.
- g) back; His classmates do it secretly without him knowing.
- h) chest; I need to tell someone about my problems.
- i) leg; Break a leg! = Zlom vaz!
- j) feet; I got nervous and lost confidence.
3. Matters of the heart
- a = I felt nervous and worried.
- b = We had to memorize it.
- c = She shows her feelings openly.
- d = Let’s discuss the main issue.
- e = I’m sincere. That’s what I really think.
- f = You can confess or confide in me.
- g = I was surprised. I felt excited and nervous.
- h = He’s not very serious or enthusiastic about it.