Chystáte se na prezentaci v anglickém jazyce? Není třeba mít obavy. V úvodu stručně představte sebe a vaši firmu a nastiňte téma (či témata), kterými se budete zabývat ve stěžejní části. Dejte posluchačům prostor pro dotazy a připravte si vhodnou ´univerzální´ odpověď na otázky, jež vás mohou zaskočit. Na závěr shrňte probrané a po případné diskuzi poděkujte za pozornost a rozlučte se.
V následujícím textu uvádíme 15 bodů, které vám mohou posloužit coby osnova, a ke každému vhodnou úvodní větu. Takovým frázím se říká ´signposts´, směrovky, protože posluchačům pomáhají se ve vaší prezentaci orientovat.
Fráze pod čísly 1) – 15) jsou ve velmi formální angličtině. Věty označené písmeny a) – o) sdělují totéž, ale ´lidskou řečí´ a byly by vhodné pro prezentaci v méně formálním prostředí.
Máte chuť na malé cvičení? Pokud ano, zkuste fráze označené čísly 1) – 15) přiřadit podle jejich významu k větám označeným písmeny a) – o). Správné řešení najdete na konci textu.
Formální angličtina
Introduction of a Presentation
1) Introducing yourself:
- Good morning/afternoon/evening. On behalf of (company, department, etc.), I’d like to welcome you. My name is (name) and I am (position).
2) Introducing the topic:
- The focus of today’s presentation is….
3) Outlining your presentation:
- The presentation today is divided into three parts. First, I’ll… Following that I’ll… and finally, I’ll…
4) Inviting questions:
- Please don’t hesitate to interrupt me if you have any questions.
Middle of a Presentation
5) Introducing the first section of your presentation:
- I’d like to begin by….
6) Finishing a section and starting a new one:
- Having discussed… I’d like to move on to….
7) Expanding or elaborating:
- Let’s consider this in more detail.
8) Talking about later points in your presentation:
- I’ll provide you with a more detailed explanation later in the presentation.
9) Talking about earlier points in your presentation:
- As I mentioned earlier….
10) Recognizing your listeners‘ prior knowledge:
- I know many of you are familiar with….
11) Focusing audience’s attention on visuals:
- Please direct your attention to the slide/chart/graph etc.
Conclusion of a Presentation
12) Summarizing and concluding the presentation:
- Finally, let’s summarize some of the main points…..
13) Inviting final questions:
- If you’d like me to clarify anything we covered today, please ask.
14) Responding to tough questions:
- I want to answer your question completely, but I don’t have all the information with me right now. Could you give me your email after the presentation so I can send you a complete response?
15) Finishing and saying goodbye:
- If there are no further questions, I’d like to thank you very much for your attention. If you think of any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.
Méně formální vyjádření
- a) If you have any questions during the presentation, please ask.
- b) Let me tell you a little more about…
- c) I’m sure a lot of you know about…
- d) Well, we’ve looked at…. Now, let’s talk about….
- e) Let’s recap what we looked at today.
- f) I don’t have that information with me. Can you give me your email and I’ll send you an answer later today?
- g) Hi everyone, I’m (name and title). Thanks for coming.
- h) Let’s start by looking at…
- i) Take a look at this slide/chart/graph etc.
- j) I’m going to talk about three things today. I’ll start with … Then I’ll talk a little bit about …. and I’ll finish with….
- k) More on this later.
- l) Okay, does anyone have any questions or comments?
- m) I’m going to talk to you about…
- n) Well, I think that’s about it. Thanks for listening. Please contact me later if you have any additional questions or want more information.
- o) Do you remember I said…..?
Řešení: 1g, 2m, 3j, 4a, 5h, 6d, 7b, 8k, 9o, 10c, 11i, 12e, 13l, 14f, 15n