Jak napsat přání v angličtině – Vánoce, narozeniny, poděkování

Pokud máte přátele či obchodní partnery v zahraničí, občas vám připadne milá povinnost napsat jim přání. Britové prý pošlou v průměru 55 ´greeting cards´ každý rok. Popřát k narozeninám, svatbě či Vánocům je samozřejmost, ale ve Spojeném království je zvykem poslat pozdrav ke všem možným významným událostem v životě. Jestli hledáte nápad, jak napsat zdvořilý i osobitý pozdrav v angličtině, zkuste se inspirovat v našich článcích.

Díl první – pozdravy nejčastější

Christmas and New Year

  • Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year! May all your dreams for the coming year be fulfilled.
  • May your Christmas be filled with lots of happiness, peace and love… and lots of presents.
  • Wishing you a happy and magical New Year. We hope it brings you lots of joy and happiness. All the best.
  • Season’s greetings Hope you and your family will have a wonderful holiday.
  • To our customers and friends we extend our best wishes for a joyous holiday season and prosperous New Year.


  • Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best for today and in the future.
  • Happy Birthday! We hope all your dreams and wishes come true.
  • Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with lots of love and laughter! May all your birthday wishes come true.
  • Wishing you the best on your birthday. May every day and year be filled with love, health, happiness and friendship. Happy Birthday.
  • I wish you happiness, health and so many good things in your life. Happy Birthday!

Thank you

  • It was really kind of you to help me with XXX . I really appreciate it.
  • Thanks for the time and effort you gave to XXX . You’re the best.
  • I appreciate all the time you were able to give to help me with XXX . It really means a lot.


  • Don´t get discouraged. Everything will work out.
  • Everything will be good soon. Just hang in there and don´t worry about it too much.
  • Hang in there. We care about you.


  • I´m really sorry. I didn´t mean to hurt you.
  • I hope you will accept my apology.
  • I am sorry for the damage I made.

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