Jak napsat motivační dopis v angličtině

Na úvod pro vás máme deset užitečných tipů v angličtině.

Top 10 tips for writing a cover(ing) letter

  1. Show the company that you have done some good research about them.
  2. Provide evidence that you can fulfil what is requested in the job specification.
  3. Make it targeted to the particular job and the company.
  4. Use the cover letter as an opportunity to tell the employer what you are going to bring to the company.
  5. Address the letter to a specific person, if possible.
  6. Don’t write the same information that is in your CV. Make it different and emphasize your qualities.
  7. If sent by email, put covering letter in the body of the email.
  8. Follow the format a business letter, never use slang or abbreviations.
  9. Make it clear and concise. Check for spelling mistakes and typos.
  10. Make sure you have included all you up-to-date contact details.


  • Pokud píšete do firmy, ale neobracíte se na konkrétní osobu, je vhodné oslovení Dear Sir / Madam a na poslední řádce nad podpisem pozdrav Yours faithfully.
  • Pokud adresujete dopis konkrétní osobě, napište do oslovení titul Dear Mr., Mrs., Ms.* + příjmení a jako závěrečný pozdrav Yours sincerely.

* Titul Ms. se užívá při oslovení ženy, která není vdaná (nebo pokud o jejím rodinném stavu nemáme informace).

Model průvodního dopisu

Dear Mr Smith

I am writing in reference to your advertisement on the job search website. My background is in operations management in the hotel sector and I am currently Assistant Operations Manager at a prestigious hotel in Geneva. I support the Operation Manager in ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the hotel.

As you can see from the attached** CV, I have wide experience in hotel booking systems, managing housekeeping staff, and buildings maintenance. I am also actively involved in the organization of events, weddings and private dining on a weekly basis. I work well in the high-pressure environment of a busy hotel and have excellent interpersonal skills.

I feel I would be an ideal candidate for this position as I am ready to move up to manager level and look forward to the challenges that the increased responsibility will bring.

I am available for interview at any time, but require some advance notice in order to arrange my work shifts.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

(name + signature)

** attached = v příloze emailu, enclosed = přiložený k dopisu

A 10 modelových vět navíc

  1. Following our telephone conversation, I am sending you my application for …
  2. I am currently working as … in XYZ Company.
  3. Having completed my … course, I am now looking for a post in …
  4. After my (studies, training…), I worked as a … in … company for … years.
  5. I have been working in the … industry for five years.
  6. My current job involves …
  7. Having gained experience in (a small office…), now I seek a position with new challenges.
  8. I am looking for a similar post with more responsibility.
  9. The names of two referees are given below. / References upon request.
  10. I would appreciate the opportunity to present myself in an interview.

Gramatické okénko

  • I worked in XYZ Company for five years. Pracoval jsem… minulý čas = už tam nepracuji
  • I have worked… / I have been working… for five years. Pracuji… už 5 let. předpřítomný čas = stále to platí; sděluji, jak dlouho už to trvá
  • I am (currently) working… (V současné době) pracuji…přítomný čas průběhový = momentálně je to tak; vyjadřuji, že děj je časově omezený

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