Víte, jak se anglicky řekne Den nezávislosti, svátek svatého Valentýna, Nový rok nebo třeba Díkůvzdání? Vyzkoušejte svoji znalost britských a amerických svátků v malém kvízu.
Otestujte své znalosti
Doplňte do vět správné anglické názvy významných svátků z následující nabídky:
- Independence Day
- New Year’s Day
- April Fools’s Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Boxing Day
- All Saint’s Eve
- Thanksgiving Day
1. ……………….. is the first day of the year. This day (with its typical fireworks at the stroke of midnight) is probably the most celebrated public holiday in the Western world.
2. An annual holiday celebrated on February 14 is called ……………….. and it is dedicated to the lovers all around the world.
3. ……………….. is a holiday celebrated on the day after Christmas Day. In some European countries December 26 is also celebrated as a Second Christmas Day.
4. The anniversary of a nation’s statehood and sovereignty is called an ……………….. and particular countries celebrate it in different days (for example United States celebrate it on July 4).
5. ……………….. is a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth of November in the United States, and around the same part of the year in other places.
6. ……………….. is celebrated on every year on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. Some newspaper and other public media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day.
7. On October 31 people in many of European countries are celebrating Halloween, also known as ……………….. – the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (so called hallows) or martyrs.
Správné řešení:
- New Year’s Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Boxing Day
- Independence Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- April Fools’s Day
- All Saint’s Eve
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